Excelente Servicio ⭐️⭐️⭐️

About this game

Excelente Servicio is a Tetris inspired arcade game with a tasty twist: The objective here is to fill in the trays to complete orders.

Different sets of dishes fall from above in the shape of Tetris pieces. Completing multiple trays at the same time provides extra points, and the game is over if the player accidentally stacks food three times. Every level completed grants an extra life.

Beer Jam 2023 By San Miguel

This short game was the entry that my team delivered at the end of the Beer Jam 2023 by San Miguel, an event that consisted in developing a beer themed game in just 3 days. It won the first place.

"Equipo B" is the name of the team I and my friend Jonatan (@ShutUpJonatan) were part of. For the development of this project I took the roles of designer and gameplay programmer.

Excelente Servicio is available for PC, Linux and Mac devices.